Holocene Evolution of the Western Louisiana–Texas Coast, USA: Response to Sea-Level Rise and Climate Change
When I first met John Anderson in 1994, I was a senior at Hamilton College traveling to Antarctica to participate in an NSF research project. John was the PI on the project from Rice University and I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. He was in charge of the entire month-long research expedition in the Ross Sea, but he still took the time to make me feel like I had an important role to play. This is when I learned that good research is good teamwork. By the end of that trip, I knew I wanted to work with John, but of course I had no idea I would still be working with him almost 30 years later. My foundational experience with John Anderson was not unique and a couple of years ago he brought me and a bunch of his other former students (Davin, Alex, and Kristy) together to help him prepare the GSA Memoir, shown above. It’s open access, so click on the link and grab a copy if you want to learn about the coastal areas of the Northern Gulf of Mexico.